It’s time to make waves

Ready for clarity, confidence and clients?

Calling all creative entrepreneurs & business owners who are ready for consistent revenue without the overwhelm, confusion and without adding more work to their busy days.

It’s time for you to simplify impossible goals into a streamlined, clear path and grow your business by doing less, not more.

Let’s make waves and level up your business - fast.

Does this sound familiar?

You’re overwhelmed with the never ending to-do’s and confused about what you need to do to gain (and maintain) momentum.

You’re struggling to manage your time effectively, starting one project but jumping from one ‘to-do’ to the next without knowing why you’re chasing that task in the first place.

You’re frustrated at lack of momentum despite the long hours you put in to your business.

You get to the end of the day, having just put out fires, dealing with staff, creating content, thinking up captions and replying to emails instead of focussing on the tasks that will get you that growth and cashflow.

You’re tired of sacrificing your time for rubbish results and not ready to give up and go back to that 9-5.

Ready to trade the overwhelm and slow growth for…

Consistent revenue coming in to your business.

More dream clients who you vibe with and pay you what you’re worth.

The courage, energy and clarity to grow and maintain momentum in your business

Freedom of time, so you can take those holidays, enjoy those special occasions and make those memories.

Simple systems and strategies that earn you money.

A streamlined workday that prioritises you, not hustle culture.

Making Waves

Making Waves

This 12 week program is designed to turn impossible goals into a streamlined, clear path so you can grow your business in weeks. 

No More Guesswork

No Overflowing To-Do Lists

No Endless Social Media Spiral

You’re a creative, ambitious entrepreneur in your first 1-5 years of business and ready to attract dream clients, earn more and have consistent revenue coming in.

You’re tired of running on guesswork and need a personalised, easy to execute plan that will get you consistent revenue.

Have a long list of ‘to-do’s and you need clarity on which tasks will get you off the hamster wheel and get you the results you want.

You have a full calendar but struggle to follow through and complete the tasks you’ve scheduled into your day.

You’re tired of listening to endless podcasts, watching non stop TEDTalks and paying $17 for online courses which don’t work.

You want a coach who’s in your corner, supporting you, motivating you and holding you accountable (no more winging it, no more ‘I’ll do it next week’).

Ready to make an investment to grow your business & make your success a reality.

This is for you if…

Ready to grow your business by doing less, not more?

Using our A.P.I framework you will grow your business in 3 easy steps:

1) Awareness

2) Prioritise

3) Implement

Client Wins


Mixed Media Artist

One afternoon spent with Rosie is like diving into a treasure trove of knowledge!

I have never felt more organised and validated than I have during my time with Rosie. She's incredible at recognising each person's limits and slowly helping you expand that! She helped me so much with unpacking my dream and making it feel like a manageable path to get there. I couldn't recommend Rosie more!

Floral Stylist


I had the privilege of working with Rosie Holt and the impact has been nothing short of transformative! Rosie's expertise in helping me overcome productivity challenges has been a game-changer for me. Her insightful strategies on batching my workload have been instrumental in boosting my efficiency and helping me conquer tasks with newfound clarity. Rosie's coaching isn't just about ticking off to-do lists; it's a holistic approach that addresses mindset, priorities, and sustainable habits. If you're seeking a coach who goes beyond surface-level advice and empowers you with practical, personalised strategies, Rosie Holt is the Coach you've been searching for. I am grateful for the positive changes she's inspired in my work and life!

By the end of this program you will have

A clear, easy to implement plan which generates more revenue without adding more work to your day.

More dream clients who you vibe with and pay you what you’re worth.

Clarity on what the next 3, 6 & 12 months looks like in your business.

The tools to overcome overwhelm, procrastination goes beyond the bottom line and addresses mindset, priorities and sustainable habits so you can generate results and get consistent revenue.

Practical, personalised strategies to manage your business growth like a pro, long after the 12 weeks is over.

A personalised time management system to help you manage your time with clarity and ease, prioritising you, not hustle culture. 

Going beyond the bottom line, we addresses mindset shifts, overcome obstacles, maintain momentum and create sustainable habits so you continue to generate results long after the 12 weeks are over.

Ready to achieve your impossible goals?

Join in 3 easy steps

  • Apply to join - A quick quiz

    Complete the the quick quiz. Then, you will jump on a call with Rosie where you can chat, ask questions and get to know more about the program and if it’s right for you and your business.

  • Instant Access

    If we both feel like it’s a good fit, you can join right away. Once the deposit is paid, you will have access to the tools, video content and workbooks instantly.

  • Map Your Strategy and Get Started

    Once you’ve joined the program, we start off with a 1:1 Strategy Session with Rosie to get crystal clear on your goals, challenges, wildest dreams and map out a personalised plan.

Let’s do this.

Start today for just $200.

Then it’s just $301 (NZD) per session.

The total investment is $3,812.

You’re a creative service provider, entrepreneur or creator who is ready to have consistent revenue in their business.

 You know you need to create a plan to grow your business but you don’t know where to start.

You’re tired of winging it, bouncing from quick fix to quick fix.

You need a practical, easy to implement plan and mindset shift to grow your business with clarity and ease.

You have an overflowing calendar & a long list of ‘to-do’s and want to know which ‘to-do’s will get you you closer to your goal and which ‘to-do’s’ to ditch.

You want a coach who will support, hold you accountable and be in your corner you as you achieve your impossible goals for the next 3 months (hi, that’s me!)

You’re driven, ambitious and a high-level action-taker.

You’re ready to break down your limiting beliefs and build a success-oriented mindset.

This is for you if…

This is not for you if…

You aren’t ready to take action, do the work and see rapid growth in your business

You aren’t currently earning a minimum of $2k/month. If you are wanting to get to $2k/month, check out our Business Blueprint strategy sessions here
You don’t like to share your wins and lessons to help others.
You are one to make excuses.

A “wantrepreneur” who talks about wanting a successful business, without doing the work.

Looking for a “quick fix” and unwilling to take the time to build a sustainable & lasting business.

Looking for a cheat sheet with business hacks. We focus on teaching you strategies that work well beyond our 12 weeks together.

  • Create a schedule that allows you to focus on the essential tasks that grow your business, leaving out the non-essential noise at the door.

  • Reduce the overwhelm by streamlining your business and essential actions that actually GROW your business.

  • Set an impossible goal (or two) and create a simple, straight forward plan to achieve it.

  • Generate more revenue without adding more work to your day.

  • Learn how to follow through on all your plans on your to-do list, consistently and regardless of whether you feel like it or not.  

  • Do all of this without the guesswork, overflowing to-do lists or the endless social media spiral.

  • Create a simple, personalised plan to propel your business growth and ensure you always have a reason to pop the bubbly.

During the 12 week program you will…

  • Strategise with you.

  • Help you make decisions.

  • Hold you accountable.

  • Coach you through your specific challenges and help you find solutions.

  • Be in your corner, supporting, uplifting and motivating you all the way!

  • Throughout the process you will also have access to the group chat to bounce around ideas, discuss challenges and celebrate those WINS between sessions.

And Rosie will work alongside you to…

Here’s what you will find inside

12x group calls, 60 minutes each where you can bring your challenges, problems and roadblocks you need coaching on. It’s at these calls where Rosie will strategise, problem solve and support you and help overcome your specific challenges to ensure nothing gets in the way of reaching your goal(s).

Each weekly group coaching call is delivered via Zoom, you will receive the recordings so you can re-watch the content in a way that suits your learning style - listen in the car, on your daily walk with the dog, watch them at your desk or from the comfort of your couch (or bed!)!

A content library of videos to watch and learn from as you work towards your impossible goal.

A group chat with everyone else in the group.

Workbooks to support your learning and amplify your business success.

Weekly feedback from Rosie to ensure your plan is as effective as possible.

Lifetime access to the course curriculum.

Additional tools, templates, resources and downloadables to make your business journey even more seamless.

An initial 1:1 strategy call with Rosie to assess the main challenges you’re facing and create your initial action plan so you can start implementing positive change immediately.

  • A FREE follow up coaching Session 90 days after your final session to keep you accountable and on track to achieving your goals and making an impact. During this session we will review your goals and identify any areas you need extra help or encouragement with.

  • My copy kit with 50+ ready to post captions and hooks for your social media - done for you.

  • Email outreach template to give you the confidence to contact ANYONE as your business continues to grow.

  • A Marketing 101 tutorial to help get your marketing plan humming.

  • Referrals and connections with other industry leaders and additional services like digital marketing, photography, web design, graphic design, branding or any other services you may need to help with your business growth

  • And finally, at the end of the program, you will receive a bottle of bubbles for you to celebrate your successes.

  • Additional ongoing support is available at the end of the 12 weeks for an additional investment if you wish.


Who loves free stuff? (Raises hand)

You’re in the right place.

I’m Rosie, your business success coach.

I help creative entrepreneurs and business owners like you achieve impossible goals. As your mentor and #1 Hype Gal, I will be by your side, helping you navigate your business journey feeling courageous and confident.

Ready to get consistent revenue without adding more work to your day? 

Thought so.

Client success


Embroidery Artist

Thank you Rosie for being so delightful and inspiring to work with.

Your ability to take my goals and turn them into strategic action plans was so helpful. Being able to work with someone who really understands the demands and challenges of small business and how to innovate for growth in a sustainable and values based way has allowed me to connect with and collaborate in a way I only imagined.

I look forward to working together again as my business evolves.


Photographer and Ceramicist

Rosie guided me from a place of overwhelm, burn out, and a general sense of feeling lost about my businesses and dreams into a space of endless possibilities, whilst also having the tools to manage, maintain, and grow my projects.

My mindset has shifted into believing in myself thoroughly, and equally, setting tasks and goals that are absolutely achievable without going back into a state of overwhelm. I keep coming back to what's important to me, and I loved her questions when she checked in about where my thoughts and ideas were heading.

She wasn't afraid to ask the daunting questions and lead me into my own realisations of where I wanted to go and what I wanted to pursue.

Ready to be our next success story?

Got questions? I’ve got answers .

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email or the contact form below.

To get started, click the button below and complete the quick quiz to help us understand where you need the most help.


  • That is EXACTLY what this program is for. I'm here to guide you, to help you make decisions and make sense of all your ideas and provide step-by-step processes to get you out of that overwhelm.

  • I hear ya. I've been there too. The beauty of this program is, we’re not spending unnecessary time creating confusing strategies. The work you do is on your business, taking the action which will get you the results.

    If you are interested but don't feel ready to commit right now, drop me an email to, let me know your ideal start date and I'll see if we can work something out.

  • If you are hell yes but the financial side is making you hold back, I can set you up with a payment plan. If you've gotten to the bottom of this (rather long) page, I see you are committed to your business, so if you want in, I'm happy to help you make it happen. drop me an email to and we will work out a plan that suits you financial situation.

  • I get it. There are LOTS of courses out there, it's hard to know which one will get you results. I can confidently, with 100% certainty tell you that because this program is about implementing your plan, not just creating a plan, if you do the work, you are guaranteed to reach your goal. Revenue, clients…whatever you want to achieve, it WILL HAPPEN when you join the program and do the work.

FAQs cont’d

Who is the Productivity Priority Roadmap for?

This program is for business owners, creatives and entrepreneurs who want an end to guesswork, overflowing to-do lists, constant creating of social media content and create an easy to execute plan for their business

What's the process for booking a session?

It's easy. To book, click the 'BOOK THE PRODUCTIVITY PRIORITY ROADMAP' link. You will complete a quick quiz before booking a call with Rosie. The quiz will help her understand what your priorities are so we can talk through them at the call and answer any questions you have before deciding if this 12 week program is right for you.

What's the point of the clarity call?

The clarity call is an opportunity for you to ask questions, understand more about the program and for us to make sure it's a good fit. Afterall, the vibe needs to be right for both of us.

When does the program start?

The program starts at any time you like. There is no set start date so you can join the program alongside other business owners any time you want.

What happens after I've spoken to Rosie and decided to join

After the clarity call, if you have decide to join the program, we send you the first invoice for the $200 deposit. You will receive a coaching agreement to sign. Once that is done, you will receive access to the video library and you can start leaning straight away. You will receive an invite to join the group coaching calls as well (there are reminders each week in case it slips your mind).

How long is the program?

The program runs for 12 weeks. That's one hour each week on a Zoom call with me and a small group of creative entrepreneurs. These calls are 60 minutes long and are an opportunity for you to discuss your personal challenges in business and hear about the challenges other business owners are having and use their learnings, knowledge and experience and apply it to your business.

How much work is involved?

That one hour on Zoom call I mentioned, plus watching the pre-recorded video content (each video is approx 30 mins long, you can watch and re-watch these any time. Plus there’s a little bit of homework.


Do I have to join EVERY call?

It's not compulsory to join every call but to get the absolute best out of this program, showing up to every call is highly recommended. It's where we strategise, problem solve and and find answers to your juicy questions.

How do I join?

Book a call with me and we will chat about whether the program is right for you and where you're at in your business. If it doesn't feel right, no problem. I'm not here to pressure you into joining. If there's another program that might help, I can recommend one. Otherwise, I'll make some suggestions for action steps to help your business. Either way, you will have more clarity on what to do next.

I’m about to do the quiz, do I need to pay anything to do the quiz?

Nope, not at all. The quiz just helps Rosie get an idea of where your business is at, what your main challenges are and forms the basis of the clarity call. From there, you decide to join, great. If not, we understand. It has to be right for you and your business.

How do I pay / What's the payment structure?

After the initial call, when you’ve decided it’s a yes, we require a $200 deposit. Then, you can do weekly payments of $301 NZD once you start the weekly calls. If you prefer to pay in 2x lump sums of $1,806 NZD that's OK too. The total investment is $3,812

I’ve paid my deposit, what happens next?

First, give yourself a huge round of applause. Taking the steps to grow your business aren't easy but you're doing it! After the deposit has been received, we send through our client agreement to sign. Once that has been signed and returned, you will get access to your client portal and all of the video tutorials and the workbooks so you can get started right away.

What day and time are the group coaching calls?

The group calls are weekly on Wednesdays at 9:30am (NZT).

Do I have to attend all of the group coaching calls?

The expectation is that once you have joined, you will be committed and join the 12 group coaching sessions but we understand that commitments pop up which is absolutely fine. If you can’t join one of the calls, you can re-watch the recording.

How does it work? How is it delivered? 

Good question. Once you join, you get access to all of the video content and workbooks so you can LITERALLY start growing your business from  Day 1. You can watch on your own (watch and re-watch or listen while you're walking the dog, during your commute, while making dinner, wherever and however you like). At the weekly group calls I coach you and the other entrepreneurs on your specific challenges. You start implementing the actions you need to do to grow your business straight away. No confusing strategies, just  a straight forward, streamlined plan for growth.

How much time do I have to commit each week?

1 hour on the weekly group coaching calls. Plus another 30 mins or so watching the video content which you can watch at your leisure. Then the rest is up to you and how much you want to commit to your business. I will be with you throughout to help overcome challenges and roadblocks. Via email. Via voicenote (I love a voicenote) and the group accountability chat.

Is it online? Is it on Zoom?

The group coaching calls are done via Zoom. The videos and your client portal are all housed on an app so you can access the content on your phone, any time, day or night.

Will I have a profitable business by the end of this program?

If you put in the work, yes. You will have a plan to grow your business and make that sweet cash money.

Is there a moneyback guarantee?

Yes! If after 2 weeks and you have watched the first 2 weeks video content, done the assigned work and joined the calls but not seen positive changes in your business, you will receive a full refund (excl any 3rd party fees like stripe etc). No hard feelings.

How many other students are in the program?

There are up to 10 students in the program at once, no more than that.

If I have questions between my first and second session, can I get in touch and chat to Rosie?

Yes of course. If you have any questions between sessions, you can get in touch with Rosie by email or through the group chat; share your challenges, your wins and anything else that crops up during the process.

Is there a booking agreement to fill in?

Yes. Once you have booked your first session, we send through an agreement for you to fill in (it's a 1 pager, nothing too overwhelming).

Will I have a profitable business by the end of this program?

If you put in the work. Yes. You will have a plan to grow your business and make that sweet sweet cash money (or whatever your primary goal or goals are for throughout the program.

After doing the week 12 program, can I continue with one off sessions?

Yes absolutely. If you would like to continue working with Rosie, we can book ongoing 1:1 sessions to keep your momentum.