Business Freedom Audit

Business Freedom Audit

Create a business you love and live a life by design, not by default.

Get the free audit now

Rosie Holt High Performance Business Coach Auckland

As business owners, we are often consumed by the day-to-day, wearing all the hats and spinning all the plates ‘in’ the business that working ‘on’ the business takes a backseat.

What if instead of trying to do all the things and second guessing your every step, you knew where to focus your time and energy to make sure you’re getting the best ROI on your time AND your money? 

Signs You Need To Audit Your Business

  • You don’t know what’s getting you results: Where clients are coming from, where your leads are coming from, what mindset shifts need to go and where you need to up-skill or outsource. Some things are sticking but most aren’t.

  • You're unsure what you want from your business, how many clients you need to break even or make a profit, where they're coming from or how much monthly recurring revenue you need to quit your day job and take this full time.

  • You don't really know what results you want from your business and you don't really know what success looks like for you or for your clients and customers? For yourself?

  • Decision making is HARD. You go round and round trying to decide what you WANT and NEED to do but when it comes down to it, you have very little clarity around why you're prioritising one thing over another. 

It’s OK, you’ve got this

🌟 This exercise will take less than an hour to complete

You can sit on insta scrolling for hours, I know you can do this for 60 mins.

A business (and a life) by design is possible

Ready to create a custom roadmap so you...

  • Understand what is generating those nice, juicy results for your business and where to find more.

  • Understand how to align your decision making with your broader business goals.

  • Understand what clients, marketing activities and actions got you the best results.

  • Set a revenue goal for the remainder of the year and the easy wins  you can get immediately.

Here are some extras just for you

🌟 Nail your USP so you can create magnetic content that attracts dream clients.

🌟 Sales ides without the ick so you can get more revenue without spending a cent on ads.

The best is yet to come

The best is yet to come

In 3 easy steps, design a business you love so you can live a life by design, not by default.




Does this sound familiar?

✅ You are an ambitious entrepreneur who’s experiencing growth but frustrated, despite the time and energy you’re putting in you’re not seeing the results you deserve. 

✅ Maybe you’re feeling pressure to finally ‘get it right’ so you can get the cashflow you know your business is destined for.

✅ Maybe you’re finally hitting your stride, the money is coming in but you’re feeling uncertain about where your next client is coming from and lack the confidence in your ability to find more. 

✅ Maybe you’re experiencing growth but it still feels like the big, lofty dreams are getting further and further away.

✅ You might even be wondering whether all the hard work is worth it.

✅ You’re overwhelmed with the never ending to-do’s and confused about what you need to do to gain (and maintain) momentum.

✅ You’re tired of sacrificing your time for mediocre results and not ready to give up and go back to that 9-5.

What’s inside this free resource

I’m Rosie, your business success coach.

From law papers to flowers, my journey is built on many failures: I dropped my law degree, quit advertising and eventually quit attempting to do what was expected of mw and instead, create a values aligned life that challenged the status quo. 

My first business was a passion project and where my love of business and entrepreneurship began. In a big to escape the tedium of corporate drudgery I started a florist business, growing it from the garden shed to a 6 figure Ponsonby Road success story.

More than a decade later, working with Saben, Dermalogica and the Icehouse, I helped launch the Empow/HER Scholarship and it was here that my passion for working with female founders & business owners evolved into my own coaching business.

Now I help business owners feel courageous and confident to grow a business of their own which allows them to create a life by design, not by default.

Client Wins

More Client Wins


Spatial Designer

A lot of business owners know what they need to work on to improve their business but they lack the support, framework and methods to achieve their goals. This program gave me those three things. Having Rosie consistently guiding me along the way with my goals, holding me accountable and pushing me to get results has been tremendously helpful for my business. If you're a business owner who's willing to work hard to get results but doesn't quite know how to get there then you'll get a lot from Rosie's program.

Beauty Sales


Rosie's programs are life changing in terms of mind set shift. If you want to really move your business up a gear and take it to the next stage and get past the overwhelm, Rosie is the cheer leader you need in your corner!

Running your own business can be so isolating and there is no one to hold you to account. This is the course or you if you want someone to champion you and your business and give you a roadmap towards achieving your goals.

And some more…

Client success


Floral Artist

I had the privilege of working with Rosie and the impact has been nothing short of transformative! Rosie's expertise in helping me overcome productivity challenges has been a game-changer for me. Her insightful strategies on batching my workload have been instrumental in boosting my efficiency and helping me conquer tasks with newfound clarity. Rosie's coaching isn't just about ticking off to-do lists; it's a holistic approach that addresses mindset, priorities, and sustainable habits. If you're seeking a coach who goes beyond surface-level advice and empowers you with practical, personalised strategies, Rosie is the Coach you've been searching for. I am grateful for the positive changes she's inspired in my work and life!


Mixed Media Artist

One afternoon spent with Rosie is like diving into a treasure trove of knowledge!

I have never felt more organised and validated than I have during my time with Rosie. She's incredible at recognising each person's limits and slowly helping you expand that! She helped me so much with unpacking my dream and making it feel like a manageable path to get there. I couldn't recommend Rosie more!

🥇 You’re a creative, ambitious entrepreneur in your first 1-5 years of business and ready to attract dream clients, earn more and have consistent revenue coming in.

🥇 You’re tired of running on guesswork and need a personalised, easy to execute plan that will get you consistent revenue.

🥇 Have a long list of ‘to-do’s and you need clarity on which tasks will get you off the hamster wheel and get you the revenue you need.

🥇 You struggle to follow through and complete the tasks you’ve scheduled into your day.

🥇 You’re tired of listening to endless podcasts, watching non stop TEDTalks and paying $17 for online courses which don’t work.

🥇 You want a coach who’s in your corner, supporting you, motivating you and holding you accountable (no more winging it, no more ‘I’ll do it next week’).

This is for you if…

Create a business by design, not by default.

Get the free Business Freedom Audit now