I help solo entrepreneurs get their time back while making money.

You deserve a business that turn fans into paying customers so your stripe notifications ping every day.

It’s time to stop doubting yourself and build a business that works so you can pay yourself more.

Here’s the deal

We’re scouring the internet for the silver bullet, hoping that this will be the thing that gets you those $10k months.

Here’s the problem with that…Instagram is full of short sighted promises which aren’t relevant to you or the business you’re building.

It doesn’t see your business as a complex machine with unique challenges.

You followed the white rabbit, got a quick win but now you’re back on the hamster wheel feeling exhausted because you’re working overtime without those corporate overtime rates.

While searching for the silver bullet, you’ve burned out, become deflated, other businesses have emerged and now you’re feeling daunted by the increased competition.

Now you’re doubling down on tactics which *might* work in the short term but without a long term vision or processes, you’re not getting any closer to generating consistent revenue while you sleep.

At this stage, you’re burning through your savings and getting one step closer to uploading your resume to Seek.

Best Business Playbook

Best Business Playbook

We need to create a profitable business business you love and free up your time.

Ready to pay yourself more and get the freedom to enjoy your next holiday without checking your emails?

Imagine this…

You finally feel in control of your business, generating regular revenue and enjoying your holiday without replying to customers.

You have a blueprint to grow a business that’s requires less of your time.

You have clear goals and the structure in place to generate revenue on autopilot.

You have a consistent promotional rhythm and repeatable sales processes to make more sales consistently.

You have a structured marketing plan and content strategy to ensure you’re getting in front of the right people.

You’ve freed up your time with systems and automations that do the hard work for you.

You’ve taken back control of your business, not wishing for the best but planning for success. 

And you have someone in your corner to support you while you do it.

✅ You know there are services and systems to help you build a business but you don’t know what to use or how to use them.

✅ You’re lying awake at night thinking about the content you need to create and despairing when the latest trend hasn’t landed you $10k months.

✅ You know what you need to do but are going in blind, creating what you think your customers want and you’re stuck in analysis paralysis, unsure where to start.

✅ The thought of ‘sales’ makes you shudder. It feels gross and ick. No thanks, you’ll leave it to the used car salesman.

You have lots of ideas, often attracted to and distracted by what other people are doing. Because you haven’t got a plan or a vision for your business, you’re copying others and your message is getting drowned out by all the noise,

✅ You’re getting in your own way, comparing your business, spending hours looking for reels, trending audio, researching hooks and creating content that fails to convert.

You want to be in this for the long term but haven’t got the systems in place and the constant ‘doing’ makes you feel snowed under, overwhelmed and unable to progress.

✅ It’s not for lack of trying. You’re putting the effort in but you haven’t been shown how to package up your secret sauce and use it to create the business you know you’re capable of, that runs for you, not against you.

You don’t want to go it alone, you want a coach (and community) in your corner to help and support you on your journey.

If I had to guess

It’s time to

Generate, Amplify and Automate

What you will find inside

  • We set clear goals for your business for the next 6-12 months and build a streamlined plan that guarantees your ongoing success.

    Now's the time to plan your strategy and the products & services that make you money and lay the foundations for a business that generates money while you sleep.

    Here we also do the mindset work to ensure you believe in yourself fully so you can show up for your business with no more imposter syndrome or self doubt. It's time to step out of your way and into the business you deserve.

  • Develop your promotional rhythm and sales plan to ensure you’re consistently selling—even when you don’t feel like it.

    Learn sales psychology to understand your customers pains & desires so you can speak directly to them.

    We create messaging that speaks directly to your customer and attract them to your business and turn them from fans to raving customers.

    You will build out your sales platforms (i.e your website & sales pages) and use the strategies you identified at the Intro to build your sales funnel and attract your dream customers to these pages.

    Here you will design the structure around your sales processes so you can attract and convert leads into clients on repeat.

    By the end of this module you will be confidently selling your products and services without the ick.

    There is a catalogue of templates and scripts to help you work smarter, not harder.

  • Using the strategies we identified in the Intro, we create a structured marketing plan and identify the audience growth and visibility opportunities for your business.

    We build your content and marketing strategy (emails, socials, collaborations, SEO) and create a plan to amplify your visibility and reach new people.

    Here we create structure around your marketing and content plan, saving you oodles of time.

    Using your brand/founder story, we align social content and messaging with your marketing processes that reaches new people, nurtures your audience, develops trust & encourages people to buy.

  • You have an automated marketing, sales & ops systems so you can generate profit in your business, even when you’re offline or not there.

    By the end of this module, you will have a produce or service that sells itself so you can earn in your sleep.


🌟 Chat GPT prompts to help you create social content with clarity and ease, month after month.

🌟 Email scripts and templates for sales and marketing outreach.

🌟 Additional tools, templates and resources to make your business journey even more seamless.

🌟 My copy kit with ready to post captions and hooks for your social media - all written for you.

🌟 Exclusive community with ongoing accountability catch ups with your group and alumni.

🌟 Masterclass from Idyllic CEO Shay - SEO & Meta ads

By the end of this transformative 10 week program, you will have:

- A powerful mindset shift that kicks imposter syndrome, analysis paralysis, shiny object syndrome and procrastination.

- Have a sales & marketing strategy that will start generating revenue for your business.

- A compelling offer that will attract clients and turn fans into raving customers.

- A CEO mindset that allows you to plan ahead, be less reactive and manage your business like a seasoned pro. 

- The foundations of a successful business with sales & marketing systems you can rinse & repeat to continue generating more leads, more clients and more revenue.

Ready to create the business you deserve?

(Of course you are).

🌟 You’re passionate about your business but don’t know where to find customers and clients who you vibe with and pay you your worth.

🌟 You’re tired of working all hours of the day and night and ready for processes that do the hard work so you don’t have to.

🌟 You want to create consistent revenue in your business but lack the time, knowledge and systems you need to make it happen.

🌟 You’re ready to create a marketing plan beyond instagram posts that converts to sales.

🌟 You need structure and consistency so you can generate more sales and focus your time on that next holiday.

🌟 You’ve fallen down a rabbithole trying to figure out what systems and processes you need to build a sustainable business and come back the other side more confused than before.

🌟 You’re a little nervous or scared to ask for help, you work so hard and admitting it’s not working is a tough call.

🌟 You’re tired of running on guesswork and need a personalised business plan that includes Mindset, Strategy, Marketing & Sales.

🌟 You need an accountability partner in your corner to make you work consistently, show up with confidence as you grow a business you love.

Feel seen?

  • I get it, these things can feel daunting. You're out of your comfort zone, learning new things and meeting new people. This initial 1:1 call with Rosie is an opportunity to connect with Rosie before the group calls start.

  • These weekly 60 minute calls where you can bring your challenges, problems and roadblocks you need coaching on. It’s at these calls where Rosie will strategise, problem solve and support you and help overcome your specific challenges to ensure nothing gets in the way of reaching your goal(s).

    At each call, we will do a deep dive into the lessons.

    All calls are recorded and added to your client portal so you have them to refer back to and learn from.

  • Between calls to maintain momentum in the group chat.

  • to watch and learn from as you build your business.

  • To support your learning and amplify your business success.

  • To ensure you're creating the absolute best long term assets for your business.

  • So you can continue momentum and growth long after the 10 weeks are over.

  • Of entrepreneurs and change-makers.

What to expect

I’m Rosie, your business success coach.

From law papers to flowers, my journey is built on many failures: I dropped my law degree, quit advertising and eventually quit attempting to do what was expected of mw and instead, created a values aligned life that challenged the status quo. 

My first business was a passion project where my love of business and entrepreneurship began. In a bid to escape the tedium of corporate drudgery I started a florist business, growing it from the garden shed to a 6 figure Ponsonby Road success story.

More than a decade later, working with Saben, Dermalogica and the Icehouse, I helped launch the Empow/HER Scholarship and it was here that my passion for working with female founders & business owners evolved into my own coaching business.

Now I help business owners feel courageous and confident to grow a business of their own which allows them to create a life by design, not by default.

Client Wins

More Client Wins


Spatial Designer

A lot of business owners know what they need to work on to improve their business but they lack the support, framework and methods to achieve their goals. This program gave me those three things. Having Rosie consistently guiding me along the way with my goals, holding me accountable and pushing me to get results has been tremendously helpful for my business. If you're a business owner who's willing to work hard to get results but doesn't quite know how to get there then you'll get a lot from Rosie's program.

Beauty Sales


Rosie's programs are life changing in terms of mind set shift. If you want to really move your business up a gear and take it to the next stage and get past the overwhelm, Rosie is the cheer leader you need in your corner!

Running your own business can be so isolating and there is no one to hold you to account. This is the course or you if you want someone to champion you and your business and give you a roadmap towards achieving your goals.

And some more…

My Promise

My Promise

When you graduate Best Business Playbook you will feel in control of your business and have the foundations of a successful business you love.

Ready for Clarity, Confidence and Clients?


Best Business Playbook today

Pay in full $2,200

with a 20% saving


Best Business Playbook today

Pay $880 per month over 3 months

($2,640 total)

🥇 You’re a creative, ambitious entrepreneur in your first 1-5 years of business and ready to attract dream clients, have consistent revenue coming in and ditch the overwhelm.

🥇 You’re tired of running on guesswork and ready to trade slow for clarity, confidence and clients.

🥇 You have a long list of ‘to-do’s and you need clarity on which tasks will get you off the hamster wheel and generate the revenue you need.

🥇 You’re tired of listening to endless podcasts, watching non stop TEDTalks and paying $17 for online courses which promise the world but deliver nada.

🥇You’re ready to get out of your own way, make an investment to grow your business & make your success a reality.

🥇 You want the framework, systems and strategies which are guaranteed to grow your business for the long term.

🥇 You’re ready to not only get a set of effective mindset, sales and marketing strategies tailored to you but a coach and a community in your corner, supporting you, motivating you and holding you accountable (no more winging it, no more ‘I’ll do it next week’).

This is for you if…

Join in 3 easy steps

*The next cohort starts March 5th, 2025

  • It starts with a call

    Book a free, no obligation call with Rosie. Here you can chat, ask questions and learn more about the program and make sure it feels right for you and your business.

  • Instant Access

    If we both feel like it’s a good fit, you can join right away. Once the deposit is paid, you will have access to the tools, video content and workbooks instantly.

  • 1:1 Session With Rosie

    We start with a 1:1 Session with Rosie to get you excited and shake off any nerves you’re feeling at the start of the program.

Client Wins


Embroidery Artist

Fleur Woods Embroidery Artist Upper Moutere Nelson

Thank you Rosie for being so delightful and inspiring to work with.

Your ability to take my goals and turn them into strategic action plans was so helpful. Being able to work with someone who really understands the demands and challenges of small business and how to innovate for growth in a sustainable and values based way has allowed me to connect with and collaborate in a way I only imagined.

I look forward to working together again as my business evolves.


Floral Stylist

After meeting Rosie for the first time and learning that she helps business owners overcome the overwhelm of running a business I knew I wanted in! I had been running my business for 2 years, and while things were starting to pick up I had no idea where to start in order to start reeling in those consistent high ticket sales. After just one call with Rosie I knew she'd be able to help, and sure enough. She helped me streamline my processes, refine my marketing strategy and hone in on some of the back end stuff I could never get my head around. Rosie's service and guidance has been beyond valuable and it has given me tools I can use time and time again. 

Ready to be our next success story?

The next cohort starts on March 5th, 2025


  • That is EXACTLY what this program is for. I'm here to guide you, to help you make decisions and make sense of all your ideas and provide step-by-step processes to get you out of that overwhelm.

  • I hear ya. I've been there too. The beauty of this program is, we’re not spending unnecessary time creating confusing strategies. The work you do is on your business, taking the action which will get you the results.

    The time commitment each week is 1 hour for the group call and 1-2 hours creating your best business assets.

    The calls aren't mandatory but that's where the tailored coaching and transformations really happen.

    The program is only 10 weeks long, you will be done and dusted before you can say 'Christmas is nearly here'.

  • If you are hell yes but the financial side is making you hold back, I can set you up with a payment plan. If you've gotten to the bottom of this (rather long) page, I see you are committed to your business, so if you want in, I'm happy to help you make it happen. drop me an email to rosie@rosieholt.co and we will work out a plan that suits you financial situation.

  • I get it. There are LOTS of courses out there, it's hard to know which one will get you results. I can confidently, with 100% certainty tell you that because this program is about implementing your plan, not just creating a plan, if you do the work, you are guaranteed to reach your goal. Revenue, clients…whatever you want to achieve, it WILL HAPPEN when you join the program and do the work.

  • The next intake starts on October 1st and as an end of year treat, I'm offering it to you with a $1,000 discount.

  • Geddit! Love that for you (and for me).

    To join the next cohort, click this link and book a free call with Rosie.

Oh hi, so nice to meet you.

I’m Rosie, your business success coach.

I’m on a mission to help creative business owners and entrepreneurs build a business they love without the overwhelm and burnout.

Ready to create a sales & marketing strategy that will start generating revenue for your business?

Thought so.

Client success


Graphic Designer

Rosie is really easy to talk to and asks thought provoking questions to help you think through your mindset and thought patterns. She takes time to get to know you so that your conversation feels more personal and in alignment with how you work and how you'd like to move forward. Rosie provided so much value on our call and her follow up email was brilliant in packaging up all we discussed with some clear focus points to action, as well as some resources to support it all. I'm already recommending Rosie to my business friends - reach out to her and open the conversation, she's in your corner and so easy to connect with!


Photographer and Ceramicist

Rosie guided me from a place of overwhelm, burn out, and a general sense of feeling lost about my businesses and dreams into a space of endless possibilities, whilst also having the tools to manage, maintain, and grow my projects.

My mindset has shifted into believing in myself thoroughly, and equally, setting tasks and goals that are absolutely achievable without going back into a state of overwhelm. I keep coming back to what's important to me, and I loved her questions when she checked in about where my thoughts and ideas were heading.

She wasn't afraid to ask the daunting questions and lead me into my own realisations of where I wanted to go and what I wanted to pursue.

Ready to create a business that requires less time and generates more revenue?

Got questions? I’ve got answers .

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via email.

To get started, click the button below and complete the quick quiz to help us understand where you need the most help.