Mindset Matters — Overcoming Overwhelm

Overcoming Overwhelm

As business owners, overwhelm is part of the deal right?

Rarely a day goes by when we don't feel overwhelmed by all of the tasks we need to do.

It's no wonder we feel this way, wearing all the hats, spinning all the plates, keeping all the balls in the air (why so many circus analogies in business??)

While this is true, we DO have lots of work to do but we often don’t know how to prioritise or organise that never ending list. We're often creating tedious to-do lists without first addressing what the end goal is.

We will never have enough time to do everything but we will always find time to do what's important. 

We just need to add Intentionality. 

We often forget to ask ourselves this simple question which leads us to congruent, aligned action.

What do I want to achieve today?

  • If you haven’t already, I suggest you download my FREE Business Freedom Audit to help you get clear on your big, juicy business goals and identify what essential tasks you need to do in your business to achieve them. If you already know what you’re working towards in your business, I love that for you, keep on reading…

Starting our day with intentionality

We all have a choice. What we want to do, what we want to achieve, who we want to help. We just don’t ask ourselves the question to set the intention which leads to congruent, aligned action.

  • Ask yourself this: What do I want to achieve today?

Tools I used to help with decision making to create a solution focussed mindset

How to prioritise jobs that are important to you

Whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed by a long list of to-do’s, I put these questions through a filter to help me work out what is really a priority and what can be bumped from my list or de-prioritised (keeping in mind this is for any tasks which don’t have a hard deadline).

Ask yourself this

  • Am I doing this task because I want to.

  • Am I doing this task because I have to.

  • Am I doing this task because someone else wants me to.

Need more tools to combat overwhelm?

In my Overcoming Overwhelm toolkit you will understand

What triggers your feeling of overwhelm and the key to breaking those patterns

Any recurring patterns that add to your overwhelm

How to prioritise jobs that are important to your business

What specific tasks trigger negative or overwhelming thoughts or actions

Create a bespoke action plan to help you overcome overwhelm for good

BONUS: Get the full list of tools I used to create a solution focussed mindset and overcome overwhelm for good

➡️Get the Overcoming Overwhelm Toolkit here

Want more?

Book a 1:1 chat with me

And we will work through your specific overwhelm challenges and see if our coaching programs are what you and your business needs.


Mindset Monday — Volume 1


Success Story — Fleur Woods