Mindset Monday — Volume III

Oh hi,

Welcome back to Mindset Monday.

Hands up if you feel like you’re crying a LOT 🙋🏼‍♀️


A couple of months ago I shared how I spent every other day crying.

 If you missed it, let me set the scene...

It was the end of an exhausting month. I cried 3 times a week (I usually tap out at one good cry per week). Cry #1 came after seeing an SPCA post  about Rex the dog who spent over 2 years in the centre.

Cry #2 hit during a call with my mentor (all I could muster was ‘I’m fine, I’m fine’).  I was not fine.

The finale, Cry #3 was when I stubbed my toe. Not my big toe, my second toe. How is that even possible?
These outbursts were my body reminding me that enough was enough, I needed to take my foot off the gas, step back and rest.
I was keeping it at 100% every day, and after 4 weeks, I took the constant crying as a gentle reminder - 

Dear Rosie, you can’t keep doing this.

With thanks, Rosie.
I took my foot off the gas and reviewed WHY I designed my business the way I did.

It wasn’t so I could succumb to burnout.

It was so I had the freedom of time to spend with the people who mean the most to me. 

Between my intermittent sobs over dogs without homes and my throbbing toe, I knew my focus needed to be shifted to the positive.
I picked myself up, dusted myself off and put my best foot (and sore toe) forward.
Once I shifted that mindset, I went on a treasure hunt. I knew there was gold to be found, I just had to re-trace my steps and find it. ⁣
I hunted for things that were going right. I tracked down my success and I found clues which told me where to focus my time and energy next.


Once I found the clues and focussed my energy on my gains, I struck gold which led to:

- Taking Fridays off work. Prioritising rest is non-negotiable.

- Booking a 3 week holiday.

- Matching my old salaried job 6 months in to starting my business.
- Having my best financial month mid-winter.

Now, instead of racing for the (non-existent) finish line, I create space to enjoy the journey.

It was at this moment that I booked my trip to Portugal (only 5 sleeps to go!)

 I could wait until I felt I deserved it, had worked hard enough for it or until I had 'time' for it.

This is your reminder that we will never have enough time to do EVERYTHING  but we will have time to do what's IMPORTANT.

So my question to you is

  • What could you make more time for?

  • What excuses are you currently making?

  • Where are you missing out on having FUN in your business?

Welcome to Mindset Monday. Volume III

This series is for business owners in need of a mindset shift or practical, actionable ways to help keep your mindset and focus and business afloat during these challenging times.
Each volume will be a combination of inspiration and actionable steps to help you grow your business, your finances and your mindset.

 Starting with what I'm learning and how I'm growing... 


1) There are always new ideas. It's so easy to come up against a brick wall. We just need to retrace our steps and create from a place of inspiration, creativity and joy, not exasperation, fear or scarecity.

2) Put time aside to recognise and celebrate your wins. Celebrate them and invest time in understanding where they came from. Dissect them. Get obsessed with them. Create more of them.

3) You can't control the external forces of the world, but you have 100% control over how you react to them. We can't change the algorithm but we can find ways to work with it (instead of posting about your products or services, share your personal story. This is guaranteed to get lots of juicy organic reach.

4) Storytelling is one of the most under-valued tools in building a business. When you build a business, emotional investment from your community will act as a moat and fortify your business, making you less susceptible to the ever changing financial landscape.  

Currently Reading: Honestly, nothing yet. I just got a book from the library. 'The Other Woman' by Sandie Jones. Holidays call for a bit of fiction.

Currently Attending: Empower Her monthly networking events - get your tickets to the next Grey Lynn meetup here. These tickets are free if you're an Inner Circle Member. They're $22.50 if not. (I won't be at this event but Charlotte & Victoria will be hosting in my place).

Currently Listening: To Yarns for the Soul with Nicole Johnston. I shared my insights and advice for creating a business by design so you don't have to live a life by default.You will find the episode here.

Currently Inspired: By Evie Kemp. This creative powerhouse has a VERY exciting announcement coming soon. Her and I have another Creative Conversation coming soon. RSVP here for my next webinar with Evie.

Currently Reflecting: On finishing our 'to-do' lists. We will never have enough time to do everything but we will always find time to do what's important. 

Inspired Action: Start storytelling. Share your journey with your community. This could be an instagram story, an eDM, a blog post, a podcast episode.

The winner of a FREE STRATEGY SESSION is Ria! - I'll reach out and organise your free session.

Final thought...Next time you feel overwhelmed by everything you need to do, ask yourself these questions:

Am I doing this because I want to, because I have to or because someone else wants me to.

This will quickly help you understand where your priorities lie and which of the many jobs we can let slide (for now).

Until next time, Forever in your corner,

Rosie x

#1 Hype Gal and Mindset Mentor 

P.S To help me make the Mindset Monday series as powerful and beneficial as possible, tell me what you NEED and I will curate each monthly edition with news articles, resources, podcast episodes, book recommendations and light-hearted memes for you. 

Do this quick quiz and help me curate this space with what you need most. 

P.P.S. When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

How I can support you, for FREE. Join me over on Instagram for valuable content designed to support business owners and entrepreneurs like you.

Ready to create a business by design, not by default. Take the first steps in the right direction with my Business Freedom Audit

Want to chat about your business, what it needs and how I can help you get there? 

Book a free discovery call.


Success Story — Jade


‘Yarns for the Soul’ podcast