Mindset Monday β€” Volume IIII

It's been a massive year, next month I will be celebrating my First Business Birthday (whaaat?!).

It still feels unbelievable that just 11 months ago I left the cushy corporate world to start a one-woman business at the start of a recession.

I started my business and went ALL IN. I knew I couldn't half-ass this. I committed fully and now I sit back and look at what I've achieved and created in 2024, I feel so proud of myself, my clients and everything we've achieved together.

Don't get me wrong, leaping into the unknown is challenging, mentally exhausting, scary, full of rejection and SO EXCITING.

The thrill of creating something that feels aligned with my with my values, passions and purpose just hits different, ya know?

I recently got back from 3 weeks overseas, catching up with friends, family and mentors in the UK and Portugal.

Yep, this is me pretending I own a yacht...

Since settling back into work and life back home, I have so much clarity, renewed energy and focus for Rosie Coaches as we approach our second year in business.

You see, before I went on holiday, I was feeling low in energy, less inspired and found that nothing was quite hitting the spot.

After growing my business to a point where I've matched my old corporate salary, helped 40+ clients in 11 months, hosted events, recorded podcasts, spoken to groups of business owners, it's no wonder I found my creative reserves running dry.

I felt nervous about my trip, so much so that I only booked my flights a couple of weeks before. Why? There was something holding me back.

That annoying little voice saying...

"Are you sure you can afford to take a holiday?"

"Aren't you afraid you will lose momentum?"

"What if you can't get any new clients when you're back?"

"What if this...?"

"What if that...?"

It took some time but I quietened down the annoying voices and replaced them with questions that focused on WHAT IF GREAT THINGS HAPPEN because I have renewed energy and focus and that changed how I approached my well deserved holiday.

I didn't open my computer once.

I didn't fret about money, revenue or cashflow at all.

I didn't worry about clients not finding me.


Because I know that without rest, relaxation & reflection there is less room for inspiration, creativity and growth.


So now I'm back renewed, revitalised and reinspired, here's what you can expect from me over the next few months:

- My first in person Rosie Coaches Supper Club. If you're in Auckland and want to get involved, there are a few spots left for the first dinner party on Friday November 29th. 

- A reflection and planning workshop for everyone in the Rosie Coaches Community.

- Free strategy sessions for all Rosie Coaches clients.


So with the school holidays entering their second week, are you feeling overwhelmed, like you're losing momentum, feeling guilty about spending time away from your business or feeling cool, calm and relaxed knowing you have time and space away from your business?


My question to you is

When are you creating recurring rest and downtime in your business?What are you missing out on by NOT resting and stepping away from your business?Where are you afraid of missing out on if you step away from your business?


Welcome to Mindset Monday. Volume IIII


This series is for business owners in need of a mindset shift or practical and actionable ways to help keep your mindset, focus and business on track.

Each volume is a combination of inspiration and actionable steps to help you grow your business, your finances and your mindset.


 Let's start with what I've learned this month... 


1) There is always time for rest. When we don't rest, we fade and run on fumes. When we start to feel like this, we start creating from a place of fear or scarcity, not a place of inspiration, creativity and joy. Guess which is more beneficial for your business?


2) Put time aside to recognise and celebrate your wins. Celebrate them and invest time in understanding where they came from. Dissect them. Get obsessed with them. Create more of them.


3) You can't control the external forces of the world, but you have 100% control over how you react to them. We can't change the algorithm but we can find ways to work with it (instead of posting about your products or services, share your personal story. This is guaranteed to get lots of juicy organic reach.

Currently Reading: I just got a book from the library. 'The Other Woman' by Sandie Jones. (Holidays call for a bit of fiction).

Currently Listening ToTo Yarns for the Soul with Nicole Johnston. I shared my insights and advice for creating a business by design so you don't have to live a life by default.

You will find the episode here.

Currently Inspired: Client & friend Valerie from Kaaio Studio. Valerie is chief design expert at Kaaio and drawn to brands with purpose, beyond profit. This creative powerhouse and I are hosting a webinar on Thursday October 24th, just before Labour Weekend.

Valerie is sharing her knowledge on all things branding, design and sharing her pet peeves & what she wishes all brands would consider before doing a rebrand.

RSVP here to join Valerie and I on October 24th.

Currently Reflecting: On finishing our 'to-do' lists. We will never have enough time to do everything but we will always find time to do what's important. 

 Inspired Action: Start storytelling. Share your journey with your community. This could be an instagram story, an eDM, a blog post, a podcast episode.

Final thought...Next time you feel overwhelmed by everything you need to do, ask yourself these questions:

Am I doing this because I want to, because I have to or because someone else wants me to.

This will quickly help you understand where your priorities lie and which of the many jobs we can let slide (for now).

Until next time, Forever in your corner,

Rosie x

#1 Hype Gal and Mindset Mentor 

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

How I can support you, for FREE. Join me over on Instagram for valuable content designed to support business owners and entrepreneurs like you.

Ready to create a business by design, not by default. Take the first steps in the right direction with my Business Freedom Audit

Want to chat about your business, what it needs and how I can help you get there? 

Book a free discovery call.


Success Story β€” Jade