Roadmap to $10k months

Ready to get the business you deserve.

Before I begin, I want to preface this by saying that $10k months aren’t the be all and end all.

It is a number that’s thrown around by people on instagram sharing empty promises, quick fix’s and short sighted success..

That number doesn’t mean I’m automatically successful. It’s not about success at all.

It’s about impact. For myself, my family my clients.

Without revenue, we’re unable to grow our impact and create more of what we want to see in the world.

I didn’t leave my 9-5 to become an instagram millionair, that’s not my jam.

I left it for the freedom to create a life I wanted so I can spend more time with family and friends, take an extra long holiday or spend time overseas for part of the year.

My first $10k month was proof that this whole ‘online business thing’ could WORK and reassured me that leaving my cushy day job was 100% the right decision.

Most of all, it means the freedom I was craving was no longer a pipe dream, it’s my reality and as I write this, I’m less than 10 months in.

To help you enjoy the same freedom and finances in your business, here are the same pillars which helped me build a business by design, not by default.

- Mindset

Dealing with fear of failure, comparisonitis and and ‘what if’s’ came up a LOT when I was starting out.

What if it doesn’t work.

What if people judge me.

What if I’m not good enough.

What if this fails.

Then I realised that if I was going to put the energy into thinking about the ‘what if’s’ from a negative point of view, I deserved to think about the ‘what if’s’ from a positive perspective.

Once I started focussing on what was possible, everything changed.

- Messaging

Knowing exactly who I'm talking to, why I help them and how I do it. By creating content that speaks directly to my audience and making them look up and say 'who me?', I’m able to help them more effectively. If I’m vague and trying to help everyone, I’m likely to end up helping no-one.

Try crafting your own USP using this template:

At (your business name),

We offer (insert what you do),

To help (ideal customer who you help)

To achieve (the result)

- Listening

If you’re not already listening to what your audience wants. This is your sign to grab a pen and take notes.

Business owners spend so much time focussing on their competitors and not enough time on their customers. It's time to change that.

- Ditch the ick

We’ve all had that ‘ick’ feeling when we think of sales.

‘What if I’m being pushy'?’

‘What if no-one wants what I’m offering?’

Sell anything but the product. Think of your favourite brands, they don’t sell their products, they sell how they make you FEEL.

Take the focus off the dollar value and once that’s out of the equation you can focus on the service and the value you bring and the transformation you provide..

- Simplicity

It's easy to over-think and over-complicate business but I promise you, when you focus on the essentials, your income and your impact will grow faster than you ever imagined. Business becomes a breeze.

Remember, simplicity scales, complexity fails.

- Want the same for your business?

Doors for Best Business Playbook are open.

If you want the framework for scaling your businesses revenue while giving yourself the time freedom to enjoy holidays without being tethered to your phone.


Ready for more in your business?

Book a 1:1 chat with me

And we will create a profitable business business you love and get your time back.


Mindset Monday — Volume II


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